CEO Communication Case Study

CEO Communication Optimization


  • CEO was preparing for a series of high-profile interviews with the media and wanted to determine the most successful way to communicate announcements about changes in the company
  • Required a high level of credibility for the speaker in order to maintain credibility for the firm
  • Feedback on CEO’s speaking effectiveness was anecdotal and firm desired to test against key stakeholders to ensure that the message could be delivered with maximum effectiveness


  • Evaluated reactions to CEO statements by surveying key stakeholders
  • Assessment included evaluations of interviews with other top CEOs
  • Continuous response tracking while viewing interviews to map positive and negative reactions
  • Identified key words/phrases that detract or add to key messages


  • Results provided a benchmark for CEO’s key communications strengths and weaknesses when discussing business issues
  • This informed the communications strategy for the new announcement as well as future public communications from the CEO
  • Provided a relative assessment of strengths and weaknesses relative to other leading CEOs

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